Sailor, Windsurfer, Kiter... ?

Get Wind Notifications!

Are you a Sailor, Kiter, Windsurfer, ...?
Get real time WIND NOTIFICATIONS for your favorite Spots!
Setup time range, wind speed and get notified when conditions are met!

Velista, kite surfer, windsurfista, ...?
Ricevi NOTIFICHE SUL VENTO per i tuoi Spot preferiti in tempo reale!
Imposta orario e velocità del vento: se le condizioni sono giuste ti arriverà una Notifica!

25 Active Weather Stations / 25 Stazioni Meteo Attive

Want to be notified when there is WIND in ANY of your favorite Spots?
NotiWind is for you and comes packed with features:
  • Notifications available every day
  • App can be closed
  • Low power consumption
  • No need to keep your device under charge
  • Get notifications and info on multiple Spots at once
  • Get notifications about different conditions at the same Spot
NOTE: Do you like it? Give us 5 stars in the store. Problems or questions? Send us comments and suggestion at

Download NotiWind

Send us comments and suggestion at
(All trademarks and logo's property of their respective owners)
Vuoi ricevere notifiche quando c'è VENTO in TUTTI i tuoi Spot preferiti?
Allora NotiWind fa per te ed ha un sacco di opzioni:
  • Notifiche disponibili ogni giorno
  • L'App può essere chiusa
  • Basso consumo
  • Non occorre tenere il telefono in carica
  • Notifiche contemporanee per più Spot
  • Notifiche per condizioni diverse nello stesso spot
NOTA: Ti piace? Dacci 5 stelle negli store. Domande o problemi? Mandaci, per favore, commenti e segnalazioni a

Scarica NotiWind

Commenti e suggerimenti a:
(Tutti i marchi ed i loghi appartengono ai rispettivi proprietari)

Multiple notification styles available:
  • Full (All options available)
  • Simplified (Less options visible)
  • Test setup (Will start in few minutes)
  • Alarm Clock (Just an alarm clock!)

Many Spots available
Ordered by distance from your position

Many parameters available:
  • Spot
  • Day of the week
  • Time Range & Repeatition
  • Wind Speed, Average, Prevalent Direction
  • Sound
  • Notify when raining or not

List choosen Spot
First see Spots with active notification
See wind conditions, graph and webcam